Thursday, June 12, 2008

You can put our name on the conference trophy now, thanks...

It's official. The Big East Lacrosse Conference will start play in 2010 with seven members. Those involved in the newly created conference are Syracuse, Georgetown, Notre Dame, Rutgers, St. John's, Providence, and the lacrosse powerhouse, Villanova. There have been opinions that have run the gamut over the past few weeks. Some people seem to think that the conference will water-down the Syracuse schedule and take away from our mystique, while others think that the conference's creation is a sign of lacrosse growth across America and is a good move for the future of the sport. Frankly, in time's like this we should probably defer to the experts. Try here, here, and here. Don't try here, they don't have anything lacrosse related.

To be honest, the move into a Big East lacrosse conference doesn't bother me at all. Besides the top of the conference, there's not a very good chance that THIS Big East will "bitch-slap" the ACC on a regular basis, BUT the formation of the league shows me that there's unity and a desire to grow for the sport. As far as any complaints about the schedule is concerned, I think it's bogus. We DID play Villanova this year, as well as UMass and Binghamton. They didn't exactly blow anyone's doors off this year. We'll still have the room to play Hopkins and the Hoo's. I don't think it's a very big deal that we subtract a couple of crumb-bum teams to play the bottom of this Big East conference.

Besides, it won't matter where we're affiliated if we keep recruiting mustache's like this...

That may not be Dan Hardy's Championship fu manchu, but it very well could be.